Wednesday 17 October 2007

Garlic and Lemon Prawns

Here's one of my own recipes, based on two ingredients which I adore; garlic, and lemon.

Prawns (fantail are best, but any cooked prawns will do).
3 cloves of garlic
Lemon Juice
Garlic Powder
Groundnut oil (I like that, but you can use whichever you prefer)
Salt and Pepper

Start by chopping up 3 cloves of garlic, you can use a press, but, I personally, hate garlic presses. When you're done, chuck this into a bowl and add the juice of 1/2 a lime.

Add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oil.

Add a 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder and a 3/4 of a teaspoon of sugar (helps to balance out the lemon and honey).

Grind a good bit of salt and pepper and then stir well.

Next, add a sprinkling of chives (fresh or dried is fine) and some breadcrumbs (These help to thicken the sauce and add a nice light crunch).

Taste the mixture and add more honey/salt or pepper as you see fit.

FINALLY, add the prawns and mix these well. Put this into the fridge for about an hour.

When it's time to cook, heat a wok and add a tablespoon of butter. Use a slotted spoon to take out the prawns and place on a plate. Pat these down with a kitchen towl to dry slightly. Next, throw these into the wok. Pre-cooked prawns don't need to be cooked for more than a minute or two, but, I personally cook these for about four minutes to give them a nicer texture and no, they don't turn rubbery :o)

Cook these till they char slightly and then place in a large bowl.

Finally, take the mix that the prawns were in, and place into a small saucepan. Cook for about a minute and then pour into dipping bowls.

Fried Rice and some broccoli.

Bill's Ricotta Hotcakes

I've been looking through Bill Granger's book, "Sydney Food" and, with the exception of maybe two recipes, I liked all of his breakfast ideas. I'm not especially fond of his lunch or dinner ideas but his breakfasts are great, and, due to the fact that he always serves them with fruit... they're balanced, if not, healthy... : ) I can see me cooking a lot of his recipes overy the coming weekends.

I highly recommend his ricotta hotcakes. I didn't bother with the honeycomb butter instead opting to eat them with some apricot jam. Next time I'll try serving them with a split banana that I shall gently fry in a little butter and sugar.

Dang... I wish I'd looked through his book before I went shopping!

Recipe for Bill Granger's Ricotta Hotcakes